Metal Recovery
From Solid

Recovery from all types of solids
Our clients are from a wide range of industries meaning that we recover precious metals from a diverse range of solids arising out of a wide range of inputs, applications, and industries.
We have been recovering precious metals for over 35+ years and have returned over £1.5Bn to our very happy clients.
We run a number of thermal treatment plants taking material in various forms for recovery.
Advancement's in technology and using our 35+ years of experience and knowledge in this field our processes look to provide an increased recovery efficiency and offer a higher rate of metal return.
Thermal Pre-Treatment
Incineration enables metal that could otherwise not be recovered to be processed and concentrated into an ash that can then be processed and refined.
RSBruce is unique in that we choose to operate a batch incinerator for high-value materials, enabling us to segregate each customer’s materials, to accurately determine the value of the metal contained within each batch, whilst eliminating potential losses between lots and cross-contamination.
The process of incineration increases the concentration of the metal through a loss on ignition ( LOI ), giving a resultant mass of ash that can then be processed further to extract and refine the metal. The batch sizes, the addition of additives, and burn temperature of the incinerator are closely calculated and controlled to optimise the process.
An in-line thermal afterburner and countercurrent liquid scrubbing system in combination with regular stack monitoring ensure that emissions are controlled.

Plated material
RSBruce has several proprietary processes for the removal of metal oxides and metal surface coatings, and we are experts in the safe removal and capture of Ir/Pt/Ru/Pd/Rh coatings and paints.
Example streams for recovery are
-Turbine blades
-Coated Titanium scrap
-Metal oxide-coated anodes
-Spent electroplating solution
We can recover metal from 1,000"s of scores, anywhere there is potently precious metal; we are your trusted partner to extract it.
Looking for a different kind of recovery?
Learn more about recovery from Liquids here.